What to Expect Next

Explore the Developer Preview

Now that you’ve been introduced to the Workflow Engine and its capabilities, the next step is diving deeper into the tools and resources provided in the Developer Preview. This includes detailed tutorials, API endpoints, and hands-on experimentation with prebuilt workflows.

What’s Covered in the Next Section

In the following pages, you’ll find:

  1. Tutorials for Getting Started

    • Learn how to interact with the Workflow Engine through practical examples.

    • Follow a step-by-step guide to issue your first testnet credit.

  2. API Documentation

    • A comprehensive list of API endpoints available in the Developer Preview.

    • Example payloads and responses to help you build quickly.

  3. Use Case Walkthroughs

    • Explore predefined workflows for real-world applications, such as ELV credits.

    • Understand how to map workflows to your own projects.

How to Prepare

Before jumping into the tutorials and API documentation, here are a few tips:

  • The Developer Preview is completely open, allowing you to test freely and explore the system’s capabilities.

  • Set up a developer environment where you can make API calls. We recommend using Postman for additional documentation and testing API requests.

  • Familiarize yourself with the basic structure of workflows, actors, and credits introduced in the previous pages.

  • Have a local developer environment ready to start experimenting with workflow instances and credit issuance with the language of your choice.

Ready to Build?

Let’s get started! Move on to the Getting Started with Tutorials page to begin your journey with the Workflow Engine.

Last updated